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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Precausions Before Starting an Action

Everythg must have a beautiful end, if not its not the end. If we do a planned start of any action, then we can easily achieve the beautiful ending. Otherwise, we should struggle for ending.

Whatever we do, it has some cause. We are expecting a result for all our actions. Before decide anything to start or not, we should clear with the answers of the below questions. Don't loose your temper and don't do anything hurrly

1) Why we are involving in this task and what is the result which we are expecting from the task?
2) We are doing this action now and what effect will it give tomorrow for our neighbour hood? Will the result change depends on time?
3) Will the action improve the current status of us?
4) Will it be possible to do by us?
5) Will the action increase or decrease our pride?

Don't start your task if you have the below answers:
1) If you think that can't be done by you.
2) If it create bad to us or surroundings
3) If a business has possibility of equal profit and loss percentage

Even the planned starts may fail in the long run due to the current situations. So periodic investigation of our task is also important. This will avoid the serious damages.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Part Time Job Opportunity - Online is aiming to be the most visited 3D website in 2012-2013. Now, me2everyone are giving to everyone who sign up with them 1000 websites shares, for free. The projected value of one share at 2012-13 is 0.58c. On the website click on Netoo (litle frog) for more information. Invest by participating in great projects! To apply you need to register on the site first.

Do you have any jobs on offer? -
Any job opportunities will be shown within the latest news section. Some will be salaried, others freelance businesses under commission (such as Evolution Sales Member). You may want to check out

I'm a programmer. How can I get involved and produce content? - is current being built in .ASP and we’re exploring other languages for different features. We’re always on the look out for talented Flash people and also anyone with a firm understanding of Unity 3D. If you feel you have something to offer us, get in contact.

If this opportunity is not of your interest, then, just get free shares and wait when the market value of it go up.

Location: internet
Compensation: salaried/commissions
This is a part-time job.
This is a contract job.
This is at a non-profit organization.
OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities

Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

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