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Saturday 13 March, 2010

12th March 2010

Today, I have started my day by reading the article for the Votava's presentation. Though the starting is not bad, I failed in cooking today morning. The reason may be that my mind may corrupted before starting the cooking. I don't know what is the real reason. It may be due to I may interrupted by Kana by giving me some freedom in cooking. Rice got burnt and mistakenly poured more oil in the pulusu mix.

In the bus, I didn't reacted to Swetha properly in the bus. She told me to close the bag. But I was in full cup. During the presentation discussion, I'm stammaring. Group members are not listening to me at all. Mia and Johan are better, they were trying to extract something from me. In my opinion, the experience is negative only. I have felt little embrased due to burnt rice during the lunch. Eventhough, I were with the europeans during eating, I couldn't mingle with them in their conversation. Something is hindering me from expressing myself.It may be inferiority complex. I should have spoken to Marion, when I saw here while she coming out from toilet.

In the afternoon, during the presentation, as usual, my voice have raised and I stammered. People are laughed at me. I strongly believe, my thinking is correct that is I should explain to others in such a way that they understand. But I'm failuring due to lack of practise.

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