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Wednesday 9 June, 2010

Steps to block unwanted people in Gtalk

Sometimes certain contacts may act like pests or may otherwise deserve your scorn. They can be your friends are relatives. In such cases, you can block those users if you want and pretend they don't exist.


Step 1

Find in your contact list the name of the person you want to block. You may have to expand the list to see all your contacts by clicking the "All Contacts" button below the "Friends" list.
Step 2

Click on the person's name. This action opens a new profile tab and chat area.
Step 3

Locate the down arrow. You can find this arrow at the top right of the profile tab you opened in Step 2.
Step 4

Hover your mouse pointer over the "Block" button. If you're ready to sweep the offender from your life (or, at least, from your Google Talk contacts), click the mouse button.
Step 5

Take a faster approach if the contact deserves less of your time by simply right-clicking the contact name. Click on the "Remove" option, which will also give you the opportunity to block the contact.

Tips & Warnings

If you erred or if the contact has recovered in your estimation, you can unblock that contact by using the "Settings" menu and going to "Blocked." Select the contact that you want to restore and click "Unblock."
Blocking a contact prevents that user from contacting you and from seeing whether you are online. Likewise, you can't see that user's status either.

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