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Monday 7 June, 2010

To block others to see our online status in Yahoo messenger

You may feel that some particular people do not see you while you are online when you are using yahoo messenger/yahoo chat. They may be your close friends / relatives / anybody else. You can delete AND block a person on yahoo messenger.

When you want to remove a person from your contacts but you don't want them to be able to see you when you are online, you cannot just deleting them but they can still see that when you are online.

There are few ways to avoid unnecessary chats.

1) Login in invisible mode

2) Do the following steps:

i) First store that person's email id some where and delete that person from your contact list in address book.

ii) Then open the yahoo messenger and right click on his name in the Messenger Window and then click on "Delete".

iii) Then Click on "Messenger" in the top left hand corner.

iv) Click on "Preferences".

v) Click on "Ignore List".

vi) Do any one of the following:

# Click on "Ignore any one who is not on my messenger list"


* Click on "Ignore only the People Below".

* Add the person in the white box and click on "Add".

Click on "Apply" followed by "OK".

Have a peaceful use of the technology.


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